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5 Unusual Party Games That Your Kids Will Love

Awesome activities to make that birthday party memorable

Vicky McDonald

Published on: August 29, 2022

5 Unusual Party Games That Your Kids Will Love

Musical Statues

Musical Statues 

This is a great game to burn off all that sugar-fueled energy from the party treats and get everyone dancing together.

What you’ll need:

To play this game, you will need a group of kids, a large playing area, some music and a prize.

How to play:

Play some disco music and get everyone dancing. When the music stops, the kids must freeze. The kids who freeze on time get to continue playing in the next round; the kids who freeze too late are out of the game. The last kids standing wins a prize.

Bonus tip:

To add some fun, hand out stickers to the kids who bust the most creative freeze poses.

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