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Pretty and Delicious: 8 Fun Edible Flowers to Plant With Kids

Brighten up your garden — and your dinner plates — with these best-bet blooms

stacey brewer

Published on: March 26, 2021

Pretty and Delicious: 8 Fun Edible Flowers to Plant With Kids

Close-up photo of eruca vesicaria, flowers of the arugula plant


Why: Yes, I realize that arugula is mostly enjoyed for its leaves and the peppery bite it adds to salads, but did you know that you can eat its delicate white flowers? They taste just like, well, arugula! The arugula flower is a fancy addition to a salad, but is also a sign that the plant is going to seed, which means you’ll get a fresh crop of arugula again next year.

When and where: Plant arugula in a spot where it can self-sow and grow again. Arugula, like lettuce, can tolerate a little shade and can be direct-sown (i.e., the seeds can be sown right into the soil outdoors) throughout March and April. (Buy arugula seeds.)

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