About Us: PartyMap

Published on: March 27, 2009

We do love a good party here at ParentMap — recession or not! The days of pony rides and monogrammed goody bags might be behind us, but we can still let our playful side shine with a little budget-wise planning and a lot of inspiration. That’s the focus of this year’s PartyMap: bringing the fun better than ever — while keeping a close eye on those coins.

The two dozen moms who bring you this special issue have hosted scads of bashes; everything from backyard sack races to elaborate, expertly planned affairs that would make Martha Stewart pout into her poncho. Several PM staffers have elevated birthday parties to an art form. They are scary. We call them our Party Mavens.

We know that planning parties is thrilling for some, a dreaded chore for others. We’re here to help! In these pages, you’ll find tips for sweet and simple parties your child will love, great gifts for less than $10, an essential party guide and more. Check out our huge, searchable database of essential resources for party planning.

Besides PartyMap, we publish ParentMap each month, in print and online. With a focus on education, and an eye on the courts and the environment, we bring you news that’s important to families. We also bring you the award-winning Family Directory, BabyMap, LearningMap and SummerMap.

But our quest to hook you up with the info you need doesn’t stop there: Every year, we bring you a veritable “who’s who” of parenting pros in our Pathways Lecture Series. We host preschool preview nights in King and Pierce counties, and the wildly successful LearningMap Education Fair and Camp Fair.

Be sure to sign up for our free e-newsletter, Passport, a little present to you in your inbox each week. You’ll get our editors’ picks for the best family fun around.

We never stop working to find new ways to make your parenting journey easier. We hope you find PartyMap interesting, fun, and useful. Please tell us what you think. Write to us!


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