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10 Summer Camps That Teach Your Kid Leadership

Fun, challenging camps and classes perfect for your tween or teen

Published on: February 01, 2018

10 Summer Camps That Teach Your Kid Leadership


Act up, speak out

The best leaders are often the most well-spoken, but learning how to find one’s voice can be a daunting prospect to many kids (and adults, for that matter). These camps teach the finer points of speaking up in a way that’s fun and supportive. One, Empower, offers campers a chance to lead in their local community by nurturing public speaking skills. “I was scared in the beginning,” says one third-grade camper, “but after the first day, I was excited to go every day.”

CAYA (Central Area Youth Association)
Ages: 5–13

This day camp focuses on the overall development of youth through the enhancement of basic skills in the areas of math, reading and writing, debate, history, field trips, etiquette training, art classes, stage production and performance and much more.

Ages: 6–12

Designed to take the fear out of public speaking, this day camp offers a safe and fun environment where kids can find their inner voice and learn to use it. They’re also taught how to think on their feet through improvisation and performance activities.

The Northwest School
Ages: 10–16

The Northwest School aims to develop young leaders and activists by covering topics that include conflict management, peer mediation, social responsibility, advanced problem solving, team building and community action.

The Evergreen School
Ages: 11–14

In The Evergreen School’s “Citizen Activism: Getting Involved” class, students learn about different ways to contribute to their communities, whether it’s through skills-based volunteering, organizing an event or via social media. Last year, the class traveled to local organizations in the Delridge area of West Seattle, including the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, the Nature Consortium and the West Seattle Tool Library

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