
Published on: December 30, 2013

As the events coordinator for ParentMap you've probably seen me--or at least a craft I prepared--at the ParentMap booth at various events around the greater Puget Sound area. Thanks to the most excellent gang of events staff we have I don't personally have to work at every single event we're present at (which is good because in 2007 we were at something like 115 events!!), but I'm at enough that I get to meet tons and tons of people in passing. Some people I have started to recognize because I see them all over the place.

Recently I worked at an event where I saw a little boy and his mom who I recognized from some other event who knows where. I was chatting with the little boy and his friend for a few minutes and they were a crack up. At one point I asked the one kid how old he was and he said he was five. Then his friend said "Yeah, he was four for a few years but now he's five."


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