In the era of being able to vote on which non-profit will receive a bank funded endowment, it's equally refreshing to find companies that want to give back to it's consumers. Crate & Barrel (Land of Nod's sister company) is doing this in what has become a profound way for many who grew up in the Seattle area.
A friend's younger sister, Becky Hornsten, had her lovely wedding engagement interrupted by a breast cancer diagnosis. Fingers crossed she'll kick cancer's ass! In the meantime, she and her fiance, Greg, need about 700 votes to win a Crate & Barrel wedding contest. Can you vote for them? It took me about 30 seconds.
We had known each other since high school. I always had a crush on him. He hung out with my brother, they played poker at my mother's house. I learned how to play so I had an excuse to hang out with them. ...