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Bring Back Brunch w/ Poppy and Super Bueno

Calendar/Event Details

Sundays this August, 2018 between 11am to 2pm: Enjoy brunch while the kids are entertained by our phenomenal caregivers in Super Bueno's play area. 

If you take advantage of Bring Back Brunch, we'll give you a $20 promo code in your confirmation email (after you sign in your kiddo).

At Poppy, our mission is to Build the Modern Village by finding the most rave-worthy caregivers and matching them to families like you when you need childcare. Whether it’s for a weekly date night, when the nanny is on vacation or simply running errands while the kids play, let Poppy build you a village full of talented, trustworthy caregivers.

The Poppy Care is complimentary while you enjoy brunch -- no additional cost to participate other than your delicious food and drinks.

Event Details