Turbo Teddies
So it seems like the school year just flew by (again). Make these fun teddy treats by Eat With Nat for your kids' classmates or an end-of-year party. Fun-sized candy bars, Teddy Grahams, M&Ms and Life Savers are all you'll need to make some sweet rides.
Owl miss you
Looking for a simple treat for junior to hand out to his pals? These cute owl printables by Lisa Storms fit perfectly over mini candy bars. A quick signature personalizes the treat, and then it's onward to summer!
Bookworm bundle
Encourage the kiddos to get a head start on their summer reading lists with this adorable idea by Simple as That. Free printables for a summer reading log and a bag topper for some gummy (book)worms make for a perfect takeaway for summer-bound students.
Bombs away
Nothing says summer like a garden hose loose in the backyard. Add these sponge bombs by Inner Child Fun and the kiddos will be entertained for hours. So simple to make: ordinary household sponges are cut into thirds and held together by elastic hair ties. Easy summer fun.
Bucket list
Save the day with this anti-boredom bucket list idea by Henry Happened. A small bucket, colorful clothespins and fun ideas are all you'll need to put these together for the end of the year. Make one for the teacher or kids! What would be on your summer bucket list?!
Two by two
For the animal-loving classroom, these golden bracelets by Crafts Unleashed are a cute parting gift for the end of the year. Plastic beads from the craft store are given a makeover with some gold paint and then strung onto corded string. Check out the post for tips on how to get the knots just right.
Grad hats
Check out these push-pops topped off with paper hats by Frog Prince Paperie. Fill 'em with candies, cupcakes, or crackers — any snack will do! Simply tag on the names of little grads, and they're ready for gifting.
Bubble wands
We love this idea for DIY bubble wands we discovered over on the Kleas blog. With some floral wire and beads, the kids can personalize wands for all of their classmates. Pair with a jar of homemade bubbles and you're good to go! Head over to the full post for step-by-step instructions.
Sidewalk stars
Homespun Haley teaches us just how easy it is to make the star of summer — sidewalk chalk. Plaster of Paris, water, tempera paint and a mold are the basics you'll need to start your own assembly-line production. What a simple, summery idea for an effortless end-of-the-year gift!
Flip flop pops
Here's a quick summer-inspired treat by Crafts Unleashed the kids can make for the whole class. Simply dip Nutter Butter cookies in candy melts, embellish, then wrap 'em up nice for gifting. Mama Vanessa even includes charming printable tags that read: Thanks to you, this year wasn't a flop.
Jar of hearts
If you're planning a bake-a-thon to take care of your end-of-the-year gifts, then you'll need adorable jars like these from Country Kitty to hold your goods. Recycled food jars are given a makeover with spray-painted lids decorated with wooden heart shapes. Simple as that!
Pom-pom perfection
Bookworms, unite! These pom-pom bookmarks by Design Mom are destined for a good summer read. Dig out your yarn bin and let the kiddos help. The secret tool for making them? A fork. Intrigued? Check out the full post for a step-by-step look.
Knot the same
What is it about a friendship bracelet that will never go out of style? Braided, knotted, or twisted — we love them all! The kids will love choosing out different color combos for all of their pals, and the free printable over at Dandee Designs finishes the project with the saying, Our class would knot be the same without you.
Catching rays
How do melted beads in a muffin tin add up to be a fine end-of-year craft? With this sun catcher idea from I'm Feelin' Crafty. The kids fill up the tin with beads, and a watchful parent needs to supervise the baking process (which involves an oven — see the full post for tips and temps). The end products are little plastic discs that can be strung up and displayed to shine in all of summer's beauty.
Ring toss
For the little accessorizing divas out there, these washer necklaces by Let Kids Create are fun to make and fun to give. The kids will love painting the metal washers with colorful nail polishes and finding the perfect color combo for each of their friends. A craft and gift all in one!