Theater review: 'Of Mice and Men'


Published on: December 30, 2013

miceandmenLast night was the opening night at the Seattle Repertory Theatre of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. Not having read the book since high school, I was anxious to see how it would be transformed into a play. I remember loving the story and forming an attachment to Lennie, a migrant farm worker, who had a childlike mind.

The play definitely exceeded my expectations. Here it is, early afternoon, and I still cannot get it out of my head. Jerry Manning directed the production in such a way that not only captivated the entire audience, but also allowed me to form that same attachment to the characters that I had when I first read the book. In particular, Lennie, played by Charles Leggett, was impossible not to fall in love with. His relationship with George, also a migrant farm worker who tried to keep Lennie out of trouble, was one that touched my heart. Watching their story unravel of heartbreak, hardship, but mostly, love, made it impossible not to be pulled into the ups and downs that are experienced throughout the play.

The actress and actors were met with a well-deserved standing ovation. The last performance for Of Mice and Men is April 10, so be sure to snap those tickets up soon! The play runs about 2 hours and 20 minutes, but I have to say, it felt more like an hour at most. Due to the use of profanity and violence, be sure that your child is at least 12 years of age or older.

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