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Bonus giveaway! Nutcracker tix!

Published on: December 30, 2013

112410_fun_nutcrackerToday, just because it's a blustery Tuesday morning, we're giving away one admit-2 gift certificate to PNB's Nutcracker, onstage at McCaw Hall through Dec. 27!

You have several ways to enter, and can enter up to 7 times, one entry per action. Make sure to use a good email address so the Giveaway Queen can contact you if you win!

1. Comment here and tell us about your favorite holiday tradition with the kiddos.

2. Share this giveaway with your Facebook friends, and paste your post here.

3. Tweet (or RT) this giveaway and paste your Tweet here. @ParentMap @PNBallet

4.  Like ParentMap on Facebook and comment here.

5. Follow ParentMap on Twitter and comment here.

6. Follow PNB on Twitter and comment here.

7. Like PNB on Facebook and comment here.

The contest closes at 5 p.m. today, and we'll randomly choose a winner from all comments made by closing. We'll contact the winner via email shortly thereafter. Good luck!

UPDATE: The contest is now closed. Congrats to winner Jennifer Lindsay! Look for an email from the Giveaway Queen very soon -- or email if you're feeling impatient!

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