Childish Things, a children's resale (and new) boutique tucked into the sprawling business district on Holman Road just south of Ballard's Crown Hill neighborhood, is celebrating its grand opening tomorrow with a bunch of good stuff for the wee ones.
Head over for a performance by Brian Vogan, a Seattle songwriter whose debut CD, "Little Things," has been getting tons of good attention lately (Brian seems to be all over the place lately, and after listening to his mellow CD, I can see why). Also! The Binky Fairy will be putting in a rare appearance to collect binkies from big kids who are ready to give them up. She'll be distributing them to babies who really need them, according to the mythology; regardless of what actually happens to the discarded binkies, your child will get a gift for handing them over.
Adults get a free chair massage, bags of swag (to the first 50 customers), refreshments and a chance to look over spring merchandise while the kids hang in the play area.