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FUN Giveaway: Outdoor MealKit

Published on: December 30, 2013

red-tomato-mealkit1To enter:

  • Email us ( and put "mealkit" in the subject line.
  • Don't enter by commenting on this blog post, because the Giveaway Queen only does email.
  • Contest closes Friday, June 17, 5 p.m., when we'll choose a winner at random and notify the winner by email within 3 business days.
  • You must be an e-news subscriber to win.
  • Good luck!

The giveaway:

Oooh, we love this very much. Light My Fire's Outdoor MealKit is compact, reusable and spillproof -- just the thing for taking on outdoor adventures or for summertime camp lunches. The kit includes two plates, a spill-free cup with lid, a combined colander and cutting board, a "spork" (combined spoon and serrated fork) and a small waterproof box.

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