To enter:
- Email us ( and put "scholastic" in the subject line.
- Don't enter by commenting on this blog post, because the Giveaway Queen only does email.
- Contest closes Friday, May 20, 5 p.m., when we'll choose winners at random.
- You must be an e-news subscriber to win.
The good stuff:
A package of three Scholastic Storybook Treasures for one lucky winner! The titles are: Splat the Cat and Other Collections (14 stories on 3 DVDs), The North Star and More Stories About Following Your Dreams, and The Scrambled States of America and More Stories by Laurie Ketler.
The Storybook Treasures series includes popular children's stories in DVD format, using illustrations from the books, narration, and music -- lots of fun for preschoolers and up.