Stop the presses! Scientists have just proven the persistent rumor: It really is better to give than to receive.
If happiness is your goal, that is.
Researchers at Harvard and theThe study turned up a staggering fact: Spending money on yourself does not make you a happier person. (Uh huh. But I still want those new Uggs.) Spending money on others does! (<sigh> OK, no Uggs.) Also, how giving you are matters more to your happiness than how much money you have. So even giving $5 every now and then can result in more happiness for you. And, presumably, the same goes for your kids.
Again: giving=happy. Having stuff=not so much.
So I had a thought: How about we make ourselves happier by helping little homeless kids? I mean, who needs help more than them?Homeless children. Two words that should never, ever go together.