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Our editors are always on the lookout for cool news that affects families.
Each month, Postings brings you the scoop on the latest health research, parenting trends, happenings and more.
Read on for this month's top-of-mind news you can use!
We know that dads get postnatal depression, too, but a new study shows just how prevalent the problem is. Researchers now think as many as one in 10 new fathers experience depression before or after the birth of a child. The worst time for many dads? Between three and six months after birth. Read more about the study.
Born to learn
More fascinating news about what goes on inside newborns’ noggins: Scientists now say new babes are capable of learning — while they sleep! While monitoring newborn brain activity, researchers blew a gentle puff of air at the babies’ eyelids, simultaneously playing a tone. After a while, they cut the puff and just played the tone — and the newborns still scrunched up their eyes! The researchers say this finding may one day lead to a test that can identify infants at risk for developmental disorders that do not become apparent until later in childhood.
Results of a new study are raising concerns that a certain common pesticide used on fruits and vegetables maybe cause attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. The study, by researchers at Harvard University and the University of Montreal, doesn’t prove the link, but experts have deemed the research “persuasive.” The pesticide, called organophosphate, turns up in the urine of most Americans. The study’s authors are calling for more research to confirm a link to ADHD; in the meantime, switching to organic produce may help limit your family’s exposure. More info here.
Beyond the pale
Do you look healthier with a tan? No, you do not, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, which just released its annual look at the “suntelligence” of 26 major U.S. cities. The survey of American attitudes turned up some surprising results: 66 percent of those polled think people look healthier with a tan. On the other hand, 80 percent say they are concerned about skin cancer and feel it’s important to protect themselves. Seattle is ranked an “un-suntelligent” 23rd in the study — better only than Pittsburgh, Chicago and Cleveland.
Boob job?
Thinking of tinkering with your curves? Looking at a little lipo, perhaps? A recent ParentMap poll finds that about one-third of local moms — 39 percent — might like a little elective plastic surgery, but say they’ll probably never get any. Another 23 percent say “no way,” but 17 percent say “maybe someday.” About 7 percent have already gone under the knife. Look for a new poll on our home page!
Babypants Moneydrive
Power up your preschooler — and you could win an original song written just for them! Every kid who takes part in Wellspring’s “Kids Helping Kids” coin drive will be entered to win an original creation by Caspar Babypants (aka Chris Ballew of The Presidents of the United States of America). Register at kidshelpingkidsseattle.com.
Summer solutions
Hey. It’s June! Do you know where your summer camps are? Tie up those loose ends — and get great ideas for summer programs — on our special Summer Camp Survival Guide.