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Zanes Mania Hit Us Again...

Published on: December 30, 2013

A few weeks ago Dan Zanes brought his friends, (read Band) back to Seattle which is known to be one of his favorite cities to play.

I'm not sure who was more excited, my 8 and 3 year olds or me. In all honesty it was a close call. This is why Zanes is SO huge with his fans. Zanes does not play down to an audience just because they are largely populated by the under 21 set. His music lifts up, inspires, and brings a community together. Zanes has a community of fans, not just a fan base. Imagine The Moore Theatre filled with 30-40'something families, jeans, Converse, political t's, and a mosh pit of kids all singing along to "Pay me you owe me, pay me my money down."

Zanes' unique brand of folk-rock-workers unite music is just what this audience grooved to and after one encore kids and parents left ready for a much needed nap.

BUT before Zanes took the stage ParentMap threw a special meet and greet party for some very special fans. Some of his biggest littlest fans got the chance to see Dan up-close in person and have their pic snapped with him. But don't fret! If you missed the show and didn't hear about our contest to meet him, a great big happy announcement was recently made. Dan Zanes and Friends will be returning to The Moore this December for a 2-day celebration called Dan Zanes and Friends Holiday House Party! Click here for all the details. I know my family will be there (most likely both days) ready to ring in the holiday season all Zanes style!

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