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Westlake Play Area Opening

Calendar/Event Details


Come celebrate the arrival of this new family friendly amenity in Downtown Seattle. The ceremony will include a ribbon cutting, a performance by the Spruce Street School Marimba Band, face painting courtesy of Seattle Children’s Research Institute, and hot chocolate, coffee and treats provided by Starbucks.

The play area will help address a deficiency in downtown, namely the low number of public play areas or spaces designed specifically for children. Adding such spaces has become imperative as some 3,000 children call downtown Seattle home and the downtown residential population has increased 20 percent in the last decade. The play area will also be an amenity for shoppers with children in downtown’s retail core.

The play space will be located on the east edge of the park, across from the Metropolitan Building with a fence surrounding the area. For more details on the new play space and more information on the project, go to this Facebook page.

11:30 a.m.; remarks at noon

Event Details