Holli Dunn Photography will once again be holding teddy bear photo sessions as a fundraiser for Loving Hugs, Inc. The photo sessions will take place at the Bellevue studio. All session fees will be donated to Loving Hugs. The $35 fee includes a 15 minute studio session and a free 5 by 7 print plus specially priced collections for the event. Participating children are asked to bring their teddy bear or another favorite stuffed animal to the session. Loving Hugs (www.lovinghugs.org) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization that sends donated stuffed animals called “hugs” to children in orphanages, refugee camps and medical facilities around the world. To book a photo session, please contact Holli Dunn by phone: 425-830-2705 or email: holli@hollidunn.com.
Sunday-Tuesday (call for available session times)