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The Mama-logues: A Comedy about Motherhood

Calendar/Event Details


Now in its second raucous year, The Mama-logues: A Comedy about Motherhood, is two hours of spit-your-beer-out-funny in celebration of motherhood. Local actors will be doing staged readings from mom-tastic blogs, books and articles including Ellen Degeneres, Moms Who Drink and Swear, The Bloggess, Samantha Bee, Rants from Mommyland, Haiku Mama and many others. And oh yes, the dance pieces! Stand aside Psy and Lady GaGa. Here comes 'Mama-style' and 'Bad Mom Pants'. Oldies Queen fans may also be treated to a reprise of 'Mommy Rhapsody.' Beer, wine, non-alcoholic drinks and a wide array of desserts and swag will be offered for sale at the event. Bring your girlfriends be they mamas or not!  Heck, you can bring your man-friends!  There is a little something for everyone to laugh at in this show. Tockets through Brown Paper Tickets.

All proceeds benefit the local and extremely deserving WestSide Baby ( Open Arms Perinatal Services (

Friday, Saturday 7 p.m.

Event Details