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Master Chorus Eastside presents An All-American Independence Celebration

Calendar/Event Details

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Master Chorus Eastside’s popular Celebrate America concert returns once again to Issaquah’s historic Pickering Barn in two performances to commemorate the 4th of July. American music of all styles stands side-by-side with Dr. Linda Gingrich’s signature commentary to create an unforgettable Independence Celebration. This year’s theme focuses on American folk music, from the music brought from the Old World which we made our own, the spirituals, Shaker hymns and Appalachian songs that sprang into being on our own soil, all the way to the folk-music revival of the 1960s. Revel in Blowin’ in the Wind, Frog Went a-Courtin’, I Bought Me a Cat, Shenandoah, This Land is Your Land, and more!

3-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.

Event Details

  • When

    No upcoming dates scheduled
  • Price

    $8-$12; 9 ander free, or $38/family
  • Recommended Ages

    All ages
  • Venue

    Pickering Barn, 1730 10th Ave. N.W.

    Pickering Barn, 1730 10th Ave. N.W.
    Issaquah, 98027
    United States