Editor's note: Activities take place at serveral different locations throughout the day.
Arlington Hometown July 4th Celebration
- Pancake Breakfast at Haller Park 7 - 11 a.m. Sponsored by Stilly Valley Youth Dynamics
- Kiwanis Auction at Haller Park 8 a.m. (silent) and 10 a.m. (live). Sponsored by Arlington Kiwanis. Auction proceeds benefit Dollars for Scholars scholarships.
- Cancelled: Pedal Paddle Puff Triathlon
- Freedom 5k Color Run at Haller Park 10 a.m. Sponsored by Arlington Runners Club
- Stilly Beer & Wine Garden at Haller Park; July 3, 5-9pm and July 4, 11am-7pm
- Lifeway Hometown Carnival at Legion Park 12 - 4 p.m. Sponsored by Arlington Lifeway. Old fashioned carnival with bouncy houses, face painting, balloon animals, giant bubbles, ring toss, lawn bowling, fishbowl toss, lawn games and more!
- Kiddies Parade at 4:30 p.m. on Olympic Ave. Sponsored by Stilly Valley Chamber of Commerce. 4th of July Parades in Arlington, WA - Grand and Kiddie Parade Details (stillyvalleychamber.com)
- Grand Parade at 5 p.m. on Olympic Ave. Sponsored by Stilly Valley Chamber of Commerce 4th of July Parades in Arlington, WA - Grand and Kiddie Parade Details (stillyvalleychamber.com)
- The Great Stilly Duck Dash at Haller Park 7 p.m. Sponsored by Arlington Rotary
- Fireworks Display at Quake Park 10 p.m. Sponsored by the City of Arlington. Seating on lawn of Boys & Girls Club.