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The Bear Creek School Virtual Webinar: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk

Calendar/Event Details

“I’ve tried lectures, reasoning, and cajoling but my child still doesn’t listen to me. There must be a better way!”

Join us online as preschool teacher Kellie Anderson offers practical, effective techniques for helping children deal with their feelings while engaging cooperation and encouraging autonomy, based on the wisdom from the famous book by Elaine Mazlish and Adele Faber.

Intended audience: parents with children in preschool through grade 6.

Kellie Anderson began at Bear Creek as a parent in 1994 and became our first preschool teacher in 2008 when her youngest started kindergarten. She has taught preschool for over fifteen years, including the past eleven years at Bear Creek, and currently teaches the P5 class. Kellie also runs our Parent Partner Program. She holds a B.S. Early Childhood and Special Education from Northern Arizona University.

Tools for Success is a seminar series at which Bear Creek faculty will speak on a variety of parenting and academic topics. These sessions focus on subjects ranging from preschool to college planning. You are invited to attend any or all events, and we encourage you to invite a friend from outside the Bear Creek community.

Visit for more information and to RSVP. This online event is free and open to the public.

Event Details