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Bellevue College's Parent-Child Virtual Learning Program: Music for Babies

Calendar/Event Details

Bellevue College Parent Education will be hosting the “Learning and Growing Together” series in August, from August 6 – 27. Each week, we will offer two free online talks on Zoom. Tell your friends!

Thursday Mornings 10 – 10:45 am. Parent-Child programs. The first 10 – 20 minutes will be aimed at the children, with songs, stories, and ideas for activities. Then the parent educator will do a brief presentation for the parents with Q&A.

Thursday Evenings 7:30-8:15 pm. Parent Education programs. The parent educator will do a presentation, then offer a chance for questions and answers about your current concerns.

Aug 27: A Musical Experience and More! For Parents and Babies from birth to 14 Months. Led by music therapists, the music and activities will be intentionally aimed toward specific developmental domains such as social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language/communication. This experience will introduce ways of using music at home to support your child in their daily life. In addition, our parent educators will share information on supporting learning through play and on nutrition for infants and young toddlers.
Presented by the teaching teams for our Monday Campus Infants, Wednesday Campus Wobblers and Thursday Campus Wobbler classes: Amy Dacuag and Riley Kua, Music Therapists, Vicki Smolke, Parent Educator, and Georyl Sparkman, Parent Educator and Dietitian.
Talks are free, but pre-registration is required to receive the link. Register at:

Event Details