Please join us in downtown Stanwood for the 1st Annual Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt!
- Free to participate
- Great for kids, teens and adults. Anybody can play!
- HOW TO PLAY: Search for the Elf on the Shelf hiding in Stanwood storefronts using your clue sheet (provided by Elf Headquarters). Find all the elves and be entered to win a window full of wrapped presents donated by our local businesses!
- There's only one (1) winner, but the presents will be a variety for all ages. Keep the ones you like for yourself, and gift the others to family and friends!
Please visit our Facebook page for updates.
Would you / your business / your organization like to donate to or participate in the event? Please contact Lindsay @ Hats Off - lindsay.hicks@hatsofflynden.com. Thank you!