Girls Leadership is a national nonprofit that equips girls with the tools to exercise the power of their voice.
Four years ago we set out to gather a new set of data that tells the more complex, nuanced, and intersectional story of the leadership development of girls of color. That data turned into Ready to Lead: Leadership Supports and Barriers for Black and Latinx Girls.
Don’t miss this one-hour interactive roundtable event. Hear our panel of experts discuss their lived experiences of these findings. Get your questions answered by a panel of youth leaders, report author Dr. Charlotte Jacobs, Girls Leadership Chief Program Officer Kendra Carr, or Grantmakers for Girls of Color Executive Director Dr. Monique W. Morris, who penned the foreword of the report. Susan Reid, Morgan Stanley’s Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion, will open the roundtable. You will gain firsthand insights into how leadership is successfully cultivated for these girls, the barriers they face, and what changes need to be made to create a supportive environment at school.
To learn more about and register for the event, please visit our website: https://girlsleadership.org/blog/ready-to-lead-roundtable/
In partnership with Grantmakers for Girls of Color and Girls Justice League. Sponsored by Morgan Stanley.