Looking for less stressful and far more rewarding relationships with your children---from tots to teens? Come join us in a program that has won the enthusiastic praise of parents and professionals worldwide. It is based on down-to-earth methods that give adults the know-how they need to create positive relationships with children of all ages.
This group workshop is proudly presented based on the work of Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, whose best-selling books include How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk.
Who should attend? Parents, caregivers, homeschoolers, educators and anyone serving children will benefit. Grab a buddy, caregiver or colleague and come on in!
Learn how to:
• Engage your child's willing cooperation
• Deal with your child's negative feelings - frustration, disappointment, anger
• Express your anger without being hurtful
• Set firm limits and still maintain goodwill
• Use alternatives that promote self-discipline
• Encourage positive relationships between your children
• Resolve family conflicts peacefully