We hope you’re staying healthy and safe during this uncertain time. While we miss seeing all of you in person for Song & Story gatherings, Song & Story Times have moved online with the help of our amazing storyteller Betsy Dischel and her red ukulele.
Betsy will be coming to you LIVE from her home to yours on Zoom.
Song & Story Times are a great opportunity to move around, sing some songs, and hear new or familiar stories. To sing and play along with Betsy, grab a scarf and something to shake. You can make your own “egg shaker” with a small Tupperware or plastic bag filled with beans, rice, dry pasta, Legos, coins, or whatever small, jingly items you might have in your home! Don’t have a scarf? Get creative! You can use a towel, cloth napkin, pillow case, or even a T-shirt. You can play peek-a-boo with just about anything!
We can’t wait to see you digitally and engage with you online! Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date about Federation happenings during the COVID-19 outbreak and to connect with your community from your home.