Looking for a creative and safe environment where you can learn new artistic techniques, express yourself, and maybe even make some new friends along the way? Join us for Virtual Teen Night.
Every month, explore several projects. During the Zoom meeting Schack staff will guide you through the projects and provide inspiration. Work on the projects during Teen Night or complete them on your own time. Lessons will be available after Teen Night here on the website.
For December, we have a special Wintertide edition of Schack's Virtual Teen Night. 100 free art kits are available for pick up at the Schack Art Center starting on December 10th, 2020. Teens can also purchase supplies on their own, make sure to allow enough time for shipping.
Register Here! You must be registered for December before you pick up your supply kit.
The live Zoom event is on December 17th, but the video will be available afterward for those who can't attend but still want to complete the art projects.
Zoom link and password will be sent out 24 hours before the program begins.
Parent/Guardian permission is required for registration.
Don't Forget Your Supplies! Click here for a supply list, make sure to allow enough time for your supplies to arrive. Supply list will also be emailed to registered teens.