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Tools for Success: How to Foster a Love of Reading in Your Child

Calendar/Event Details

As parents, we desire to inspire a passion for reading in our children, and we long to provide quality reading experiences as they develop and grow as readers. From their earliest encounters with picture books to their devouring of great literature, we seek to provide our children with reading opportunities that will develop a life-long love of reading.

Join us as Carolyn Ersek, a third-grade teacher at The Bear Creek School, and Dianna Kadeg, Lower School library teacher, share ways to create a home environment that fosters a vibrant love of reading in your child(ren). Learn how to select quality literature at the appropriate level, set up a home library, and partner with your school’s library to provide your children with the best possible reading experiences to enable them to become passionate readers!

Tools for Success is a seminar series at which Bear Creek faculty will speak on a variety of parenting and academic topics. These sessions focus on subjects ranging from preschool to college planning. You are invited to attend any or all events, and we encourage you to invite a friend from outside the Bear Creek community.

Intended audience for this seminar: parents with children in preschool through grade 4

Visit for more information and to RSVP. This event is free and open to the public.

Event Details

  • When

    No upcoming dates scheduled
  • Price

  • Recommended Ages

    Parent Event for children aged 3-10
  • Venue

    The Bear Creek School

    8905 208th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98053
    Redmond, Washington 98053
    United States