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VIRTUAL: Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Prevention with Valiant Bridge

Calendar/Event Details

For Parents & Mandated Reporters Who Are Ready To Learn About Child Grooming and What They Can Do to Actively Prevent Sexual Assault.

About this event

Child grooming affects 1 out of 10 children neurotypical children and teens and 1 out of 3 neurodiverse children and teens. Historically, grooming predators have been people who are already in a child's life but with anonymous internet platforms and apps, the numbers of sexual grooming cases are increasing. Learn what you can do to actively prevent predators from gaining access to children by empowering them to communicate and spot red flags.

For Parents, Adults, & Mandated Reporters

Here’s what you’re getting!

✔️ Zoom Course

Class is 1-hour long and conducted on Zoom so that you can participate from the comfort of your own home! This course provides deep insight into the targeting of children & teens and what adults can do to help prevent sexual assault from grooming predators.

✔️ Helpful resource links

At the end of your course, we send you a list of helpful resources to continue exploring what you’ve learned!

✔️ 10-minute Q&A Session

Time to dig into your burning questions, comments, and concerns.

Learn more at

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Event Details