Got wanderlust? Satisfy your travel bug with a virtual trip around the world! Join us as the Junior League of Seattle hosts an “Around the World” Virtual Trivia Night on Thursday, March 11, 2021!
Buy your tickets today, and spend a fun-filled evening featuring a live trivia host, general knowledge questions, prizes for winning teams, and more!
● Join as an individual, a team of up to 10 players, or if you're looking to meet new people, we'll match you with a group!
● Tickets are $10. Funds raised will directly support the Junior League’s community programs in the areas of youth literacy, art education, civic leadership training, and more.
● Trivia will start promptly at 7 p.m. PST. We encourage you to join starting at 6:30 p.m. so you can get comfortable in your virtual breakout rooms and socialize with your teams!
For more information and to purchase tickets or make a donation, please click here!