We all want our children to be happy, capable, and confident.
You are invited to spend the morning learning about tools your children can use to solve problems, cope with disappointment, and meet difficulties with strength and resilience. In this session, attendees will re-fill their parenting tool bags with practical advice, real life examples, and ideas for step-by-step implementation. Bear Creek's Lower School Dean of Students Tressa Parker will share her insight and answer questions.
Intended audience: parents of students in preschool through grade 6.
Tressa Parker is deeply invested in The Bear Creek School and loves being part of the mission in action. In 1994, she started teaching at the school and has worn a number of hats over the years. After several years of teaching second grade, Mrs. Parker worked as the Lower School Division Head, spent 10 years as the Preschool Division Head, and currently serves as the Lower School Dean of Students. She holds a B.A. Elementary Education from Covenant College and M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction from Lesley University.
Tools for Success is a seminar series at which Bear Creek faculty and staff speak on a variety of parenting and academic topics. These sessions focus on subjects ranging from preschool to college planning. You are invited to attend any or all events.
This online event is free and open to the public. Please register at the link below.