We think co-op schools are the way to go! They are run by parents, they are more affordable, they build community and at Woodland Park Cooperative School, we bring together a diverse array of families who all value free play, getting our hands covered in paint, playing outside everyday, eating fresh veggies off the vine and using real tools. We encourage kids to explore and express themselves freely. Problem solving, independence and creative thinking are all apart of a day's "work" here.
Teachers and parents will be at the open house to answer questions about our Preschool's 2's, 3's and 4's classes and Kindergarten class.
We are located in Seattle in the heart of Fremont and are excited for the 2020-2021 school year! Visit us at our All School Open House to see if our school is a good fit for your family.
Children are welcome! No need to RSVP.