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Anxious Parents, Anxious Kids: Parenting Tips From the ‘World’s Worst Mom’

ParentEd Talks Replay

It’s time to change the way we look at obstacles and stop making assumptions that our kids are incapable of clearing their own path in life. In this talk, author, columnist, blogger and reality TV show host Lenore Skenazy, aka “The World’s Worst Mom,” shares simple but powerful ways anxious parents can counteract the urge to overprotect their children, move away from fear-based parenting, and give their bubble-wrapped children the freedom to develop confidence and resilience the natural way: through unstructured, child-directed play.

About the speaker 

Lenore Skenazy is the president of Let Grow, the nonprofit promoting childhood independence and resilience. Ever since her column Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone created a media firestorm, Skenazy has been declaring that our kids are smarter and stronger than our culture gives them credit for. She is the author of “Free-Range Kids,” the book-turned-parenting-movement that garnered her the “World’s Worst Mom” nickname.

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