Town Hall Seattle, Spruce Street School, and Billings Middle School present an informative and increasingly indispensable discussion on school-age bullying, featuring Emily Bazelon, author of the bestseller Sticks and Stones, in conversation with The Stranger’s Dan Savage.
Growing up has never been easy, but with the rise of the Internet and social media, bullying has taken on new, complex, and insidious forms, and suddenly childhood is exponentially more challenging—as parents, educators, and even elementary-age kids know all too well.
Slate senior editor Bazelon, a leading voice on the social and legal aspects of childhood drama, returns to Town Hall after hosting 2012’s sold-out Political Gabfest to examine the ever-shifting landscape of kid-to-kid meanness and its sometimes-devastating consequences. In conversation with Seattle columnist Savage (It Gets Better), Bazelon defines bullying (and what is not bullying); identifies when intervention is essential; dispels persistent myths; and explains, above all, that to deal with the problem, we must first understand what today’s kids are going through.
7:30 p.m.