Many of us have spent more time enjoying the outdoors over the past few months, and have noticed more wonders of nature than ever before! Learn how to record your observations and learn even more about your favorite flora and fauna that live in the parks through some sketching. All skill levels are welcome--if you'd like to better understand the natural world with a little creativity, this program is for you! Paper and pencils will be provided for the day, but feel free to bring your own favorites. Program will partially take place outdoors, so be sure to dress accordingly!
Ages: Best for ages 10+. Cost: Free! RSVP firmly required by 3 p.m. the day prior to program. All participants must wear a face mask and maintain 6 ft distancing. Maximum enrollment 9. Outdoor only. To register, contact us at (425) 452-6993 or parkrangerprogram@bellevuewa.gov.