Oxbow invites you to join us for a Food Drive at the Farm Stand in support of our friends at the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank.
The Snoqualmie River Valley is vast, stretching approximately 40 miles from the outskirts of Duvall to the far reaches of North Bend. Despite the physical distance between the upper and lower Valley, our communities are all connected; we depend on each other to thrive.
On November 20, we invite you to join us in supporting a healthy, thriving Snoqualmie Valley. Bring your unopened, non-expired, shelf-stable foods (please see a specific list of food needs below) to Oxbow’s Farm Stand. We’ll get them to the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank in North Bend in time for the holidays! As supply chain issues and increasing food costs continue to impact food access nationwide, well-stocked food banks are essential. After all, the health of any community depends on the well-being of the people who live in it.
While you’re at Oxbow, explore the farm and Living Playground, enjoy hot beverages, and soak up the late-autumn solitude of the Valley. The Farm Stand will be open and stocked with veggies and native plants. (Fall is the perfect time of year for planting!)
We’ll see you there!