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Welcome the Whales Festival and Parade

Calendar/Event Details

Each year, a small group of gray whales, affectionately known as The Sounders, detours from their main migration and returns to Puget Sound to feed on ghost shrimp. Our 2024 Welcome the Whales Festival honors these well-known and beloved whales with costume making, a critter parade, waterside ceremony, Langley beach clean-up, special presentation from Cascadia Research Collective, and a fundraising boat trip.


Saturday, April 13
11:00 - Costume Making at Langley United Methodist Church
1:30 - Staging for Parade (location TBA)
2:00 - Parade through downtown Langley. All are welcome to walk in the parade.*
2:30 - Waterside Ceremony at Seawall/Whale Bell Park after the parade
3:30 - Langley Beach Clean-Up

* No vehicles larger than golf carts permitted. Please contact for more information.

Sunday, April 14
12:00 - Reception and Presentation from Cascadia Research Collective (location TBA)
3:00 - Fundraising boat trip with Puget Sound Express, leaving from Langley Marina.


Event Details