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Tech Issue

ParentMap, November 2016 Issue

Perhaps fittingly, considering what a role technology has played in the latest election, this November issue is all about the good, the bad and the ugly sides of screens, tech and more. 

The good: Finding a family holiday gift that will engage your family in ways you’ve never dreamed of. 

The “bad”: Our feature on porn. “Porn kills the village … by not talking about the reality of porn and the high likelihood our children will encounter it, we put our children at greater risk for having a negative impact on their healthy sexual development.” 

And finally, the “ugly” has us all goofy and geared up in VR headsets (kind of ug!) and ready to enter a world that unlike us, our kids “take to it like ducks in water.”

As a bonus: We’ve put our wise “elves” to work curating a list of the hottest toys. Their picks balance the perhaps less communal aspects of technology with all the screen time fun your kids will want. Just what busy parents need!