BabyMap - About Us, Fall 2009

Published on: November 01, 2009

We’ve been there!

Babe in handsAwestruck, exhausted and utterly in love, new parents know they are on a life-changing adventure. The challenges that lay ahead can seem daunting — especially on too little sleep. Times like these, you need support; friends who’ve been there, knowing parents who’ll lend a hand, offering advice, sympathy or the name of their favorite, fabulous babysitter.

The two dozen moms of ParentMap are proud to create BabyMap, our labor of love just for those dazed and amazed new parents who need the newest information, access to great resources, and maybe even a laugh or two. Dive into our award-winning Web site — and check out our print publication as well, packed with articles and info about babies: how to care for them, where to play with them, how to solve at least a few of their endearing, engaging mysteries.

And as your baby grows, we invite you to turn to ParentMap, our monthly magazine for parents of toddlers, teens and everything in between. From colic to college, tantrums to texting, we offer unparalleled access to local experts, cutting-edge research and common-sense wisdom. Our Ages & Stages column tackles a different theme each month, breaking it down by age for appropriate solutions to common problems. Our Out & About section virtually hums with giggle-inducing fun for families, whether for an hour, an afternoon or a day. And in Getting School Ready, you’ll learn ways to support and encourage your child’s journey through education.

Until then, for these precious baby days, we hope BabyMap entertains, encourages and enlightens. Please let us know how we’re doing. We wish you joy and wonder, and just enough sleep.


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