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Chinese Zodiac: The Dog Child

Patty Lindley

Published on: December 29, 2021

Welcome to the Chinese zodiac for kids and parents!

About the Dog Child

Chinese Zodiac: DogA cheerful, obliging, and well-balanced good sport, the Dog is said to be the most likeable sign in the Chinese zodiac, and a recitation of this sign’s sterling qualities suggests this might be true. Honest, intelligent, egalitarian, and super-loyal, she is idealistic and justice-loving. A rather serious child and prone to worry unnecessarily, she is also about the most devoted and humanitarian child you will meet, faithful to the objects of her affection (friends and family members, people and animals alike) and deeply felt principles through a strong ethic of service, conviction, and love. You may not always know she’s perseverating about her responsibilities and concerns for the world around her, as she is a genius at cloaking her natural pessimism with a cheery countenance. That is what her mummy and daddy expect, after all, and she is an obedient child.

The Dog is the symbol of justice in the Chinese zodiac, and you will notice that even in her young years your Dog child has a very developed sense of personal accountability and fair play. Even-tempered and accepting of others’ viewpoints, she holds tight to her own convictions, letting her conscience be her guide. Cooperative and diplomatic, she is a peace-lover at heart, but abhors unfair treatment of anyone and will stand up fearlessly to redress any injustice.

Dog children are like mini adults, capable of independently shouldering responsibility efficiently at an early age and completely worthy of trust. At the same time, these children are playful, friendly, and outgoing, appreciated by peers and adults alike for their warmth, candidness, and sense of humor. A Dog is a very good and supportive chum to have indeed. When the chips are down, the Dog will always be at your side.

Personality Traits

  • Personality Traits
  • Honest
  • Straight-shooting
  • Deep sense of loyalty
  • Passion for justice and fair play
  • Animated
  • Attractive
  • Amiable
  • Unpretentious
  • Humanitarian
  • Open-minded
  • Idealistic/moralistic
  • Sees through people’s motives
  • Cynical
  • Tolerant
  • Fearless
  • Sharp-tongued
  • Outspoken
  • Strong sense of duty
  • Introvert
  • Acid wit
  • Quarrelsome
  • Ethical
  • Capable
  • Resourceful
  • Supportive
  • Self-sacrificing
  • Forgiving
  • Opinionated
  • Cooperative

Natural Gifts

The Dog has an essential nobility of character that you as a parent perhaps have little to do with — she was just born that way. Unassuming and a bit of an introvert, the Dog nonetheless naturally assumes and comfortably wields influence due to her capacity to provide sound and uncompromising counsel and insight. With her stable mind, emotional intelligence, and moderation, she is the bedrock of any group or organization to which she commits herself.

Making Friends

Count yourself lucky indeed if you claim a Dog as a friend, for you will not find a companion who supplies more fidelity to a partnership than this sweet-tempered native. Dogs do not make friendship bonds lightly, and those relationships they do form are enduring and incredibly supportive. Should you wish to befriend a Dog, you’ll need to be patient and authentic in your courtship of her, as Dogs are slow to place their confidence and trust in others.

The Dog is most compatible with the adventure-loving Horse and enthusiastic-even-when-wet Tiger. The Dog and Rabbit are both gentle souls who naturally seek equilibrium and harmony in their ultra-peaceable friendship. The unpretentious Dog can have a hard time stomaching the overconfident Dragon, who exasperates his practical and humble sensibilities; and the self-indulgent, mopey Sheep just irks the efficient and upstanding Dog.


Your Dog child is a sensible, competent, and consistent little agent in the world, and school is an ideal setting for her to show off some of her intellectual and social capabilities and to develop values she will espouse throughout her life. She will always get her schoolwork work done on time and make sure it is corrected down to the last crossed T. Teachers will adore this steadfast and clever child who constitutionally operates with integrity and circumspection.

Parenting the Dog Child

Show some appreciation: The Dog child is her own goad for personal betterment — when shown encouragement, she will shine like a new penny. When not awarded adequate appreciation, she will become insensitive and indifferent to your parental appeals. With her strongly felt conclusions and beliefs, the Dog child can become obstinate when challenged. Don’t bully or berate her excessively — as tolerant as she is, if you push her too far she will go rabid.

Encourage leadership experiences and accountability: Though typically reluctant to take charge, the Dog is extremely capable of being a strong leader, due to her deeply ingrained values and high integrity. She is unprejudiced and brings an astute intelligence, warmth, and understanding to her human interactions. While hesitant to step into the social/political arena, the Dog is an unfailingly altruistic and unprejudiced leader.

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