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Community Supported Agriculture: love your local farmer

Published on: December 30, 2013

You didn't think you'd get out of our GreenBites coverage without a plug for CSAs, did you? But what you might not have expected is this: it's probably the best thing you can do to shrink your carbon footprint. Why? That Georgia grown peach in your Seattle dwelling fruit bowl didn't teleport here, kiddo. Somebody drove it here - by truck or by train - that peach DROVE here. Crazy, right? Don't even get me started on mangoes.

We're very lucky to live in a mild climate where eating local doesn't mean lettuce until September. CSAs will deliver a weekly farm box to you filled with locally grown and harvested vegetables, fruits, herbs and even flowers. Bonus: most participating farms have a field trip day where you and the fam can put on your grungies and get a tour of exactly where those carrots came from. You can even help out - bail some hay, pick some veggies, water some flowers. It's the full farm experience and is busting at the seams with learning opportunities for you and your kids.

Puget Sound Fresh has a great list of CSAs and like many commentors have pointed out here these past weeks - nothing ups your kids interest in vegetables like some hands on experience with them.

Question: What CSAs have you tried or are signed up for? Lend your sage advice to the newbies in the group with your how-to for eating local.

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