Finally! We’ve turned the page on 2020. We made it to the new year, and that, in and of itself, is cause for celebration! Last year was beyond difficult for so many reasons: lives devastated by the coronavirus crisis, civil and political unrest, and too many stark reminders of the racial inequities our country still faces.
But hope is on the horizon. A vaccine is here! Our political climate is changing, and several extraordinary leaders have risen to the challenge of fighting racism head-on.
Each year, we at ParentMap strive to invest our time and resources in causes that matter to us through our mission-driven content initiatives. But in the wise words of Malcolm X, “We can’t teach what we don’t know, and we can’t lead where we won’t go.” So, we’re going there, re-educating ourselves and others about the roots and depths of racism in this country and what we can all do to make change.
This year, we’re proud to partner with The Who We Are Project and founder Jeffery Robinson in advancing the organization’s important anti-racism work. The Who We Are Project is dedicated to working to re-educate the country about its painful history of slavery, oppression and racism. Through lectures, a podcast series and other advocacy work, The Who We Are Project is already influencing change. We’re excited to announce that we’ll be hosting events, including a screening of a forthcoming documentary titled “Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America,” and providing other resources in partnership with this amazing organization throughout the year. Robinson will inspire and educate all of us with a meaningful introduction to the project during our premiere 2021 ParentEd Talk.
Plenty of hurdles still lie ahead for all of us in 2021 — many of the difficulties we faced in 2020 won’t just go away, no matter how much we wish they would. But we’re up to the challenge and we hope you are, too. Because, in the immortal words of Dr. Seuss, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
So, today, let’s celebrate the new year, commit to making things better together, and raise a virtual toast to the possibilities of a better and brighter future.