Today's kids are impressively tech-savvy. But the digital world — just like the non-digital world — requires all kinds of skills that kids don't simply pick up as they go. Digital citizenship and media literacy have to be taught and modeled by the adults in kids' lives. How do kids tell the difference between trustworthy and false information on the web? What should they do if they witness cyberbullying? How do they keep their personal information private online?
Every day in the classroom — especially in schools with lots of technology — teachers can help kids build these essential skills. But teachers are incredibly busy and often overwhelmed by all they're expected to accomplish each day. Though they may want to teach digital citizenship and media literacy, they may struggle to fit these lessons into an already packed agenda. Here are five ways that you, as a parent, can help start conversations about these important topics and introduce valuable resources to your school community.
Talk to your kid's teacher
Find out what your teacher is already doing to build these skills, and share a few of the high-quality resources Common Sense Education offers. Its K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum is a great place to start. And with ready-made lessons and engaging videos on a range of key topics, teachers can easily fit digital citizenship activities into their existing instruction.
Get to know the school librarian
The media center is often the hub for all digital citizenship and media-literacy lessons. Find out if the school librarian is addressing these topics regularly. Point out fun interactive student games, such as Digital Passport and Digital Compass, which allow kids to explore and discuss the impact of their decisions in the digital world.
Share family resources with other parents
Raise awareness about balanced media use at home by sharing this K–12 Family Media Agreement and Device-Free Dinner initiative with other parents and caregivers in your school community. Your teacher can also help get parents on board with these strategies. As more families buy into digital citizenship, it will become easier to convince the school to follow suit.
Engage your PTA
Spark a community conversation with Common Sense Media's Presentations for Parents and Families. These topic-focused slide presentations give PTA leaders or school staff members an easy way to address the most pressing parent concerns related to kids' digital lives. Families will get the latest research, expert advice, tips and recommendations to help them face these challenges with confidence.
Connect with the principal
They may seem too busy, but school principals want to know more about your priorities for your kid's education. They're also always on the lookout for quality learning opportunities for their teachers. Share with your principal webinars, teaching videos and digital citizenship training to help get teachers up to speed on imparting these essential skills.
Originally published by Common Sense Media and republished with permission.