Full Tilt Ice Cream
Next up in a series of free ice cream opportunities — you know we try to keep all you hard-working parents informed of the most critical local events, right?? — artisan ice cream purveyor Full Tilt Ice Cream plans to dish out free single scoops Tuesday, June 19, at its Capitol Hill shop. This ice cream benevolence is in honor of Full Tilt's 10th anniversary.
First of all: yay! Second, here are the details you need to know. Full Tilt plans to give out 200 "Tiny Tilts" — that's a single scoop size, but not a puny one, at its Capitol Hill location only (328 15th Ave. E., Seattle). The shop opens at noon, so we suggest showing up early to ensure you're among the first 200 eager ice cream eaters.
Full Tilt specializes in all-natural ice cream and creative flavors made with lots of local ingredients. Shops also feature pinball and arcade games plus a selection of local beers. On its website, Full Tilt states that "After extensive research and testing, we have scientifically created a fun environment for people of all ages."
Full Tilt operates four Seattle shops in addition to the Capitol Hill location: in Columbia City, the U-District, Ballard and White Center. Important: these othere shops are not dishing out free ice cream Tuesday, but if you hate lines more than you love free, cruise in and buy a scoop on a warm Seattle day.
If you can't make the free scoop party Tuesday, we did find another opportunity to get your taste buds on some free Full Tilt ice cream. On the shop's Facebook page, sign up for the email list and you'll get a coupon for a free Tiny Tilt when you buy a Tiny Tilt. And this is good at any location. Happy licking.