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FUN giveaway: Disney on Ice, SCT tix!

Published on: December 30, 2013

We've got three giveaways for you this week, FUNsters! To win, email us ( your mailing address -- and make sure you're an e-news subscriber, cuz only subscribers can win!

1. Disney on Ice tickets - you want? The extravaganza of an ice show hits Comcast Arena at Everett Nov. 4-7, and we've got plenty of tickets to give away. Send us an email ( with your mailing address and put "Disney" in the subject line.

2. Special bonus giveaway: passes to Seattle Children's Theatre's lovely show Morgan's Journey. Email us your mailing address and put "Morgan's" in the subject line.'

3. Win a sample of Le Baby Hair Gel, a hypo-allergenic hair gel designed especially for babies, toddlers and other folks with sensitive skin. Email us your mailing address and put "Le Baby" in the subject line.

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