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Parenting Stories: Dangerous Persons


Published on: December 30, 2013

toddlerscreaming_cropLiving with a toddler really is like housing a terrorist. At any moment she could blow and we can do nothing but react. There are no steps of prevention, no safety measure to take. We just wait. And our choices are limited to: 1) remove her and 2) remove her quickly.

Yesterday we had the brilliant idea that Sid and I would accompany my husband, M, and our other four kids to Snoqualmie for ski lessons. I would be an extra pair of hands to ‘help’ M get them all to their classes and then back to the car at the end. And what could be more brilliant than bringing an ornery 2-year-old along?

She screamed and yelled for two hours straight. At one point I took her out of the lodge because she was making so much damn noise. But it was cold outside and we had to steer clear of Fiona’s class, because when she saw us she cried, plopped down in the snow, and refused to move.

Today wasn’t much better. I bravely took all five kids to the dentist (happy MLK day to me!), where she was mostly an angel. She was great in the chair, but while waiting for the others, she snuck in and stole all the no-cavity prizes from the box.

Later, at a coffee shop, she threw such a tantrum we had to leave early because I was getting snarky looks from all the laptop users (get an office, people).

I think at this point we are going to leave her at home until she is 3.

Wanna watch her?

More from This Is the Corner We Pee In

lea_geller1About Lea Geller

I’m a part-time lawyer, full time mother of five (ages 9 and down)… Currently in sunny Seattle. People ask how I manage it all, and I like to say that I do lots of things, but none of them very well. That’s my secret…. In a house of seven strong, distinct personalities, I always seem to have a story to tell. I suppose I got tired of people telling me, ‘You have to write this down!” So, I finally did, and blogging about our large mishaps, small triumphs, and other adventures, has helped hold my sanity together, albeit loosely.

Check out the rest of Lea's family's adventures on her blog, This Is the Corner We Pee In.

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