ParentMap, April 2013 Issue

Published on: March 30, 2013

ParentMap, April 2013


Happy spring! Finally, it's here. There's perhaps nothing more energizing that the scent of budding flowers and fresh spring air, except maybe for the inspiration that comes from an amazing cast of true superheroes. Check out what these do-gooders have contributed to the health and success of countless kids and families in Washington and beyond!

We do have gardening inspiration for you, with a profile of Seattle's kiddie and family gardening guru, Seattle Tilth's Lisa Taylor. And with spring comes the surge of sports, as we know. Here are 12 tips to becoming a winning sports parent.

Spring is also renewal, and a time to take care of ourselves as parents, too. We offer you a wellness story about alcohol and its effects on women, and some suggestions about how to tame your stress healthfully.

Enjoy this blooming spring!

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Read the entire issue online, or scroll down for links and cool online-only content.


Ages & Stages:
1–4How to Make a Home Eco-Friendly, Green & Safe for Kids
5–10 12 Tips for Being a Supportive Sports Parent
11–18 How to Encourage Self-Control in Tweens and Teens

Someone You Should Know: Lisa Taylor


Feature: 2013 Superheroes for Washington Families

Out & About: Family Camp: Kayaking, Fishing, Fiddling & More Unique Getaways

Giving Together
Women's Wellness

Alayne and 2013 SuperheroesPublisher's Note

For 10 years, we've loved parenting with you!

It has been 10 years since we began our parenting journey with you. We’ve had tremendous fun bringing you stories such as “Tree houses, caves, and volcanoes oh my!” “Pottytunity knocks” and “More Maui, less money.”

Your loyal following has inspired us to expand from our print publication (in 2003) to delivering content you have come to trust every way you choose to receive it: print, digital, e-news, lectures and books.

As global citizens who embrace a desire to repair the world, we’ve challenged one another with an eclectic range of topics. At times, we’ve asked intimate and bold questions. “Does God matter?” “Are we born racist?” “Too tired for sex?” “War changes people” and “Are girls acting sexy too young?” inspired countless vibrant discussions while gleaning numerous awards.

This birthday feels particularly festive: Our team wore out the red carpet accepting awards at the national Parenting Media Association gala in March. Particularly gratifying was winning a GOLD General Excellence award for (for the fifth time!) while competing with the largest cities in the United States, Canada, Australia and South Africa.

Our extraordinary team clearly wowed the judges who announced, “ParentMap does a magnificent job of using the web to create web content. ParentMap’s site navigation is well thought out, editors strive to represent the diversity of their city in the production of their content and its placement on their site.”

We are particularly proud to shine a light on the noted luminaries in our midst who, on daily basis, enrich and enhance lives for children and families. This annual superhero issue means we’ll make some new friends and visit some old ones. Each superhero’s story illuminates the source of the magnetic energy that inspires action for every hero’s respective cause.

The “Modern Family Camp” reference to the 80’s movie Dirty Dancing has me captivated. I picture a refreshingly wholesome setting with adventurous families relishing a family camp(ish) experience such as the American Festival of Fiddle Tunes. This is a great way to “test drive” sleepover camp and enjoy a bargain vacation with all ages.

Get inspired by Seattle Tilth’s Lisa Taylor — go plant a garden!

Happy Earth Day!


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