ParentMap, August 2014 Issue

Rory Graves

Published on: July 30, 2014

August 2014 Issue

At ParentMap, we tackle the complicated issues alongside the light-hearted fun of family life, because we know your parenting journey has that same duality. In this issue, we take a close look at gender, examining how the boy/girl binary is being redefined by our kids' generation; dissecting sexism in the superhero genre; looking at the new sex ed in schools; and exploring the color paradigm that new parents face. We've discovered, as you will, that parents find themselves navigating gender issues at all stages.

In the glow of summer, we also peek at cool neighborhoods worth exploring, parent friendships, and the question of kids and growth hormones.   

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Ages & Stages:
0–3 Rose-Colored Onesies: Why It Matters What Our Babies Wear

4–11 Save Our Superheroes: Times Have Changed, but Have Comics? 

12–18 Let's Talk About Sex: Are Schools' Health Ed Programs Working? 

Someone You Should Know: Gender Educator Aidan Key

Wellness: No Small Thing: How to Decide If Kids Need Growth Hormones

Feature: Beyond Pink and Blue: How Our Kids’ Generation Is Redefining Gender

Out & About: Summer in the Cities: 6 Cool Communities to Explore Around Seattle

Education Matters
Publisher's Note

Voice: Toxic Friendships: Walk Away, and Better Relationships Will Blossom



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