ParentMap, July 2006 Issue

Published on: July 02, 2006

ParentMap July 2006 issue Feature: Hidden Gems

Ages & Stages:

Out & About:

Getting School Ready:

Understanding your child's temperament 

Media: View featured media

From our Readers:

Letters to the Editor


About this issue:

Dear Reader:

If I use art to describe the upbringings of my husband and myself, his family is along the lines of Norman Rockwell, while mine is closer to “The Scream” by Eduard Munch. My husband sat me down to suggest that I show more empathy in my exchanges with my 15-year-old. Biting my lip and tongue, I did my best to listen and refrain from my instinct to be defensive.

I know that he is right. I admit to being less capable than he is at modifying my emotions based on the recipient’s temperament. But I keep trying and learning from the people around me who set great examples or are willing to offer up some constructive criticism. In the article “Understanding your child’s temperament” (Getting School Ready), writer Linda Morgan offers parents great wisdom and resources to better support and understand who their children are and how to best nurture their healthy development. The wisdom in this article was my personal secret gem in this issue of many Hidden Gems!

Our reader’s votes and writers’ picks will inspire you to visit some well-known neighborhoods or venture out of town to experience the unique and unusual. Our Hidden Gems annual issue of favorites — from the tried-and-true independents like All for Kids Books to one reader’s suggestion to head to a Chimposium workshop in Ellensburg — may well fill your summer calendar and beyond with great adventure. We hope our list will inspire you to experience a new park, beach, library or neighborhood bistro.

I have a feeling that after you read “Hop to Frogging at Shadow Lake Bog,” we will have set into motion a favorite new adventure for next year’s Hidden Gems issue. “Like miniature mountains, the fuzzy hillocks of a sphagnum moss bog fuel the imagination. Are they fairy castles? Gnome thrones?” Go find out, and let us know if the adventure is as “Tolkein” as it sounds.

—Alayne Sulkin, publisher/editor

Alayne Sulkin

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